Pandemic digital comic strip
interaction through a multimodal genre
Multimodality, Interaction, Construction of meaningsAbstract
In contemporary society, marked by conflicts of diverse natures and by highlighted ideological conceptions, an endless number of texts circulate and become objects of studies in the area of Applied Linguistics due to is specificities. The current pandemic, caused by the corona virus, has brought countless reflections regarding teaching practices, the importance of the teacher and the invisibility of the majority of their work. It was within this context that one of the authors of this article created a viral comic strip entitled “Class time” (originally “O tempo de aula”), which circulates among social networks and has caused a considerable amount of engagement on Facebook. This study aims to describe, analyze and interpret the aforementioned comic strip, taking into consideration its multimodal character. Supported by the interpretative paradigm, based on the studies of Social Semiotics and Multimodality, this research interpreted and analyzed the different language modes that constitute the comic strip text and the interactivity triggered by it. The results reveal the relevance of multimodal resources for the construction of meaning and the adequacy of texts towards the different fields of circulation.
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