Film, semiotic, and teaching

a semantic experience with English language students




Language teaching, Emotions, Verbal and filmic discourse, Paranoid Park


This article presents a suggestion of work with writing in English, based on the theory of discursive semiotics. For this, it highlights notions of empathy and discursive manipulation, in the understanding of a filmic text. The objective is to register the contribution of this semiotic to the work with verbal and audiovisual texts, through the application of a didactic sequence, the promotion of an empathic exercise and a discussion on the relations between enunciator and enunciatee. From the emotional contextualization of the film Paranoid Park, and from a table of words related to emotions, the students had to produce two written texts: a narrative, in the first person, and a dissertative / argumentative that explained the reason for lexical choices to describe the emotions that the film suggested. The tabulation of these choices revealed an efficient manipulation of the enunciator. This result points to the contribution of the theory used to the development of diverse practices, as suggested by the guidelines of the BNCC (2017).


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Author Biography

Edison Gomes Junior, Instituto Federal do Mato Grosso, Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brasil

Doutor em Estudos Linguísticos e Literários em Inglês, professor na Universidade do do Estado de Mato Grosso


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How to Cite

Gomes Junior, E., & Cristina Gallardo, B. (2021). Film, semiotic, and teaching: a semantic experience with English language students. Revista Da Anpoll, 52(2), 121–137.