Discursive resignification in different contexts:
popular linguistics and ludolinguistics
Discourse, Resignification, Popular LinguisticsAbstract
In this paper, at first, with some vagueness, we present the reflections of Marie-Anne Paveau (2019a, 2019b, 2020) on the issue of discursive resignification. Then, we tested this proposal on different data that Marie-Anne Paveau mobilized. It is a small set of texts that re-signify, on the one hand, the whitening of Machado de Assis and, on the other, some of Jair Bolsonaro's insulting speeches given to different social actors. Finally, based on the category of ludolinguist, proposed by Paveau (2008, 2018, 2020) and, based on a set of data, which make Jair Bolsonaro's disastrous performance in the face of the Amazon and Pantanal fires, as well as its ineffective performance in relation to the price control of some products, metonymically represented by the designations Bolsonero and Bolsocaro, we propose the category of humorous resignification. Based on the analysis, we understand that discursive resignification, especially humorous, can become an important tool to combat hate speech, which currently circulates in our society and which crystallize the most varied power relations.
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