Methodological challenges to Corpus Linguistics in language acquisition in Brazilian Portuguese
Corpus Linguistics, PB Acquisition, Methodological Challenges, Mean Length UtterancesAbstract
I will discuss the methodological challenges for a child aged 20 months and 21 days, aged 22 months and 20 days and aged 26 months and 8 days three corpora organization, when acquiring Brazilian Portuguese. I used Brown’s (1973) methodology when he raised Adam, Eve and Sarah’s corpora using Mean Length Utterance, MLU and Maximum Upper Bound Limit calculation, whose rules I describe. Results are compared with the nineteen reports by Brown (1973, p. 66) regarding different languages acquisition, including non-Indo-European ones. Criteria for selecting utterances for making up emerging grammars are also explained. Child’s total utterances number, in phonetic transcription, was 5530, while the adults’ number ones, canonically transcribed, when addressed to the child, was 5664. All recordings, as well as phonetic transcripts, glosses, morphological analysis (mor line) and lexicons are available on the CHILDES Platform, the world's largest database on language acquisition. I address the methodological challenges, including those faced by researchers working with PB acquisition, arising from new technologies, in particular, those assumed by the CHILDES Platform that adopts the Mor line (morphosyntactic analysis) using the same measures here explained.
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