New subjects in the Brazilian Portuguese children’s grammar
Syntax, ‘New’ Subjects, Children’s GrammarAbstract
This paper shows the results of an initial study on the emergence of 'new' subjects in the children’s grammar of Brazilian Portuguese, the locative and possessive subjects. The grammar of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) has been showing an increasing number of sentences with atypical subjects. The goal of this study is to investigate whether such constructions are already present in the children's grammar of PB, therefore, the results of two linguistic tasks, judgment of grammaticality and elicited production, will be presented. The hypotheses of this study take into account the fact that PB speakers choose to fill in the subject position instead of leaving it empty. Even though the position is filled by a constituent that was not directly selected by the verb. This fact leads us to test whether: (i) the child recognizes structures with locative and possessive subjects from the initial stages and (ii) the production of such sentences only occurs in more advanced stages of the acquisition process.
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