Intersemiotic Translation or Adaptation: Some Notes
Intersemiotic Translation, Adaptation, Serial-novel, Novel Electronic, Bernardo GuimarãesAbstract
The translation is inherent in humanity, starting with the perception, through which data, when they get to the intellect, are translated into signs, of which arise communication and reasoning. In intersemiotic translation (nomenclature of Julio Plaza), that translation for more than one semiosis(a term of Charles Peirce), we face the transposition of a significant system to another, for example, the literary system for film or television,activity known for adaptation. Understood here the translation "tout court" as (re)creation, intersemiotic translation is (re)creating greater boldness and complexity, or according to Marie Hélène ParetPassos, in The genetic creation to literary translation: an interdisciplinary (2011), a creation of his own from the alien. An illustration occurs with the works re-edited by other creative codes, as some corms of serial fiction 19th century(the serial-novel), for example, the telenovelaorelectronic serial-novel. Therefore, here our goal is to show some written creations and intersemiotic translation or adaptation, particularly in the Brazilian writer Bernardo Guimarães.
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