On the morphological productivity of the suffixes -ção and -mento:
a diachronic perspective
produtividade morfológica, nominalizadores –ção e –mento, diacroniaAbstract
In the present work, we address the variation in the morphological productivity of the nominalizing suffixes –ção and -mento from a diachronic perspective, based on a pilot study on the dating of words contained in the electronic version of the Houaiss Dictionary of the Portuguese. Our results showed that until the 15th century there were more forms with the suffix -mento. However, this trend reversed from the 16th century onwards, with a robust increase in forms in -ção, with a growth peak in the 19th century. We argue that these results interestingly align with Tang and Nevins' (2013) diachronic corpora study. The hypothesis we defend is that the massive increase in the vocabulary of the first conjugation had a positive implication in the increase in productivity of the suffix –ção, since there was a significant increase in the number of targets/bases relevant to the application of this morphological process. Considering the grammar architecture of Distributed Morphology (Halle; Marantz, 1993, 1994) and the notion of markedness, we propose a theoretical interpretation in terms of a hierarchy of markedness for the verbal thematic classes of BP that can clarify the preference relationship that we attest between thematic classes and nominalizing suffixes in focus in this study (cf. XXXXX, 2014).
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