Contributions to the understanding of fake news as textual-discursive productions incorporated into the journalistic field




Textual Linguistics, Fake News, Journalistic Field, Bolsonarism


In this work, we seek to reflect on the textual-discursive nature of fake news from the observation of 14 texts produced and put into circulation over the months of November and December 2022 and the first week of January 2023, the period that followed the victory of Lula in the 2022 brazilian presidential election and preceded the attempted coup d’état carried out by Bolsonarist militants on January 8, 2023. Throughout this period, the population was “bombarded” by a set of textual-discursive productions that, in addition to giving discursive support to Bolsonarist questions, constituted even more strongly ways of conceiving the Brazilian presidential elections in the second round (as fraudulent), guiding the interpretations and actions that Bolsonaro voters should take after the results are announced. Throughout the work, we maintain, mainly, that fake news constitute communicative practices structured through a diverse and large-scale textual production conceived in and incorporated both in the journalistic field and in the political field. These texts have as their main purpose the promotion of behavior change, in a short time, of significant portions of society in relation to modes of action and organization of social life.


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How to Cite

Bentes, A. C., & Souza-Santos, J. E. de. (2023). Contributions to the understanding of fake news as textual-discursive productions incorporated into the journalistic field. Revista Da Anpoll, 54, e1902.



Dossiê temático: Linguística textual: perspectivas interdisciplinares