Text plan and topical organization in Enem writing

contributions to the teaching of textual production





Text Plan, Topical Organization, Enem's Essay, Teaching


This article has the broader objective of promoting an articulation between the analytical criteria, the text plan (ADAM, 2019) and the topical organization (SÁ, 2018), aiming to favor the pedagogical work of developing argumentation skills in the production of texts such as the writing of essays for Enem. For this, we propose an interface between Textual Analysis of Discourses, to deal with the text plan, and Textual Linguistics, for topical organization, as a relevant strategy for the teaching and learning process of Enem candidates. Focused on these aspects, we carried out an analysis of an essay evaluated with a thousand mark by the examining board, in which we tried to demonstrate concretely how the analytical parameters can intersect. This proposal can benefit the work of teachers, as the exercise of analysis of the text plan articulated to the topic organization is committed to the development of the ability to organize ideas and the way of arguing in defense of a point of view.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. A. da, Sá, K. B. de, & Santos, S. A. dos. (2023). Text plan and topical organization in Enem writing: contributions to the teaching of textual production. Revista Da Anpoll, 54, e1899. https://doi.org/10.18309/ranpoll.v54i1.1899



Dossiê temático: Linguística textual: perspectivas interdisciplinares