Resizing the notion of deixis

@ as a deictic resource in technodiscursivity




Deixis, Deictic Field, Interaction, Digital Context, Technodiscursivity


In this paper, we aim to propose a resizing of the notion of deixis and deictic field, in order to include the peculiarities of the deictic interaction in a digital context. We base ourselves on authors such as Bühler (1934) and Benveniste (1988) regarding the notion of deixis and enunciation, in addition to Cavalcante (2000), Ciulla (2008) and Martins (2019). About the deictic field, we join the expanded conception of Hanks (2008) and add to it the studies about technodiscourse of Paveau (2021). As a theoretical reference for the specific area of research, Textual Linguistics, we use the studies of Cavalcante et al. (2022) and Cavalcante et al. (2019). Methodologically, we demonstrate, through print screen, two examples of the social network Instagram to demonstrate our discussions. As a result, we conclude that the way of mentioning in social networks through the use of @ can assume a deictic character, since it reveals stance and engages users, in addition to highlighting social roles and identities that they assume when interacting through texts.


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How to Cite

Martins, M. A. (2023). Resizing the notion of deixis: @ as a deictic resource in technodiscursivity. Revista Da Anpoll, 54, e1897.



Dossiê temático: Linguística textual: perspectivas interdisciplinares