Text linguistics, communicative contract and tecnodiscursivity
analysis of infinity scrolling process in sequences of posts on Instagram
Textualization, Communicative Contract, Tecnodiscursivity, Delinearization, Infinity ScrollingAbstract
This article aims to analyze the process of infinite scrolling performed on digital media platforms based on criteria of textual linguistics in its interfaces with the communicative contract (CHARAUDEAU, 2012) and the technodiscourse (PAVEAU, 2021, among other works). It is based on the conviction that textual coherence is inferred from a complex set of factors, hence the need for interdisciplinary dialogues (CAVALCANTE et al., 2020, 2022). These dialogues are particularly important for the analysis of digital native texts (PAVEAU, 2021), for which it is imperative to consider the conditions of technodiscursivity, particularly the delinearization. We start from the hypothesis that the description of infinite scrolling based on text linguistcs criteria shows some aspects not yet pointed out by scholars. For that, we analyzed two feeds (each one with twenty posts) resulting from two navigation actions on Instagram platform. The data were analyzed in comparison with the hyperlinking process, for which intertextuality and thematic continuity are relevant (CAVALCANTE et al., 2022). Since these two strategies do not promote the same effects in infinite scrolling, there are considerable changes in relation to delinearization and the interlocutor’s role in the communicative contract.
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