Construction of technodiscourse objects
theoretical and methodological issues
Digital Discourse, Discourse Objects, Technodiscourse Objects, TechnodiscourseAbstract
In this work, we consider, on one hand, DDA (Digital Discourse Analysis) theoretical framework, proposed by Marie-Anne Paveau, whose object of study is technodiscourse, that is, digital native discursive productions that bring together language and technology – intrinsically linked – in a composite; on the other hand, the study of Lorenza Mondada, who proposes the notion of discourse objects, that is something around which the enunciative activity is organized in the practices of apprehension, formulation and description of the world by speakers. Given the specificities of technodiscourse, we propose the notion of technodiscourse object, that is, referents constructed by technodiscursive processes, as an analytical category of technodiscursive dynamics. The notions of object of discourse and object of technodiscourse therefore hold similarities, but also differences. This opens the way to the theoretical and methodological problematic around the construction of technodiscourse objects. Our goal is to reflect on this problematic.
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