The lizard: “a fairy story” told in the words of Saramago and in the woodcut by J. Borges




Book with illustrations, Fairy story, Xylography, Republication, Readers


Saramago's writing aimed at children is only made explicit in The biggest flower in the world. However, the republication of the work The lizard, through the book with illustrations support, re-presents this narrative to the reading public in a way that the words of Saramago and the woodcuts of J. Borges retell this fairy story, bringing it definitely closer to the universe of children and juvenile. Thus, this article aims to observe how the verbal and verbal-visual narratives are developed in the book The lizard, establishing, through the word-image relationship, not only the dialogue but also the complementation and even the expansion of meanings of the texts in each reading.


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How to Cite

Wanderley, N. de A. (2023). The lizard: “a fairy story” told in the words of Saramago and in the woodcut by J. Borges. Revista Da Anpoll, 53(3), 129–142.