Truth regimes and sexuality

a look at the school institution in project statements “Escola sem Partido”




Foucaultian Discursive Studies, Truth Regimes, Sexuality, Governmentality, Escola Sem Partido


The present work brings some studies on the research “Regimes of statements about the school institution in project statements”, whose objective is to study regimes of truth that fall on the school, through statements on Twitter. The Escola sem Partido project is a political movement that emerged in São Paulo, Brazil, in 2004, with the founder of the lawyer Miguel Nagib, which focuses on the issue of teachers' performance in the classroom, seeking impartiality and objectivity on the part of the teacher. We intend, therefore, from the Foucaultian Discursive Studies, to think about the Discursive of the Institution by the Originating Utterances of Trainers and Supporters of the Political Movement, above all, in relation to the notion of sexuality. Through the analysis of statements, it was observed that a discursive strategy that supports the defense of the “Escola sem Partido” project is given, among others, by raising family awareness, one of the main instruments of governmentality for population control.


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Author Biographies

Laurianne Guimarães Mendes, Secretaria de Estado de Educação, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil

Mestra em Estudos Linguísticos (UFU).

Vinícius Durval Dorne, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Doutor em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa (UNESP).


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How to Cite

Guimarães Mendes, L., & Durval Dorne, V. (2022). Truth regimes and sexuality: a look at the school institution in project statements “Escola sem Partido”. Revista Da Anpoll, 53(2), 386–402.



Por uma análise foucaultiana dos discursos