Learning to read to write: the abstract genre and academic literacy





Academic literacy, Genre, Scientific abstract, Reading and writing, Ethnography of writing


This study focuses on a pedagogical activity centered on a critical-analytical reading of scientific abstracts produced in the program area of Portuguese language studies, embedded in the teaching-learning process of academic reading and writing practices.  Although we believe that these practices are related, for analytical purposes, we paid special attention to reading activities, developed in a literacy project (KLEIMAN, 2000). Theoretically, the work is based on the contributions of academic literacy studies (HYLAND, 2004; CARLINO, 2003; LEA; STREET, 2006; MARINHO, 2011) and on approaches to textual genres affiliated to the new rhetoric (BAZERMAN, 2005; 2006; MILLER, 1984). Methodologically, the research is qualitative of a critical ethnographic nature (THOMAS, 1993). The analysis centers on data generated in seminars developed in the discipline Linguistics IV (Program of Letters/UFRN), grounded in the perspective of the ethnography of writing (DEVITT; REIFF; BAWARSHI, 2004). The study points to the possibilities of promoting access and mastery of academic genres, highlighting the relevance of an ethnographic approach in the teaching-learning of reading and writing practices through the curriculum (WAC).


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Author Biography

Maria do Socorro Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte,

Doutora em Estudos da Linguagem (Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos da Linguagem - PPGEL-Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN), realizou estágio de doutorado Sanduíche na Universidade Nova de Lisboa, no período de 01 de abril de 2015 a 31 de janeiro de 2016. Mestre em Estudos da Linguagem (UFRN), Especialista em Linguística Aplicada (UERN), Tecnologias na Educação (PUC-Rio) e Educação a Distância (UFPR), Graduada em Letras (UERN). Leciona a disciplina Leitura e Produção Textual na Faculdade Católica do Rio Grande do Norte-FCRN. Atua principalmente nas seguintes áreas: Texto, Leitura, Linguística de texto, Discurso, Análise Textual dos Discursos, Enunciação.



How to Cite

Oliveira, M. do S. (2020). Learning to read to write: the abstract genre and academic literacy. Revista Da Anpoll, 51(2), 125–138. https://doi.org/10.18309/anp.v51i2.1386