What does it mean to teach textual genres at school?
Genres, Teaching, Didactic ModelAbstract
Within the framework of sociodiscursive interactionism (ISD), from the references of Jakubinskij (1923/2018) and Voloshinov (1929/2009), the concepts of dialogue and genre of the word constitute the theoretical starting point to define the forms of the human interaction, in accordance with the theoretical and methodological proposals of Bronckart (1997; 2004; 2007) and Schneuwly (1994). As genres constitute our object of teaching, they are, first of all, our object of knowledge. In the Latin American context, we recognize the theoretical and practical contributions of Marcuschi (2003) and Machado (2009) that allow us to discuss some central aspects of the teaching proposals applied. For our part, in the investigations we approach the relationship between the didactic model and the textual genres from which it derives, as a central problem in the modeling of genres, the articulation between the language capacities developed by the students and the potential capacities to be developed. The teaching of language and literature with textual genres, necessarily involves the development of language capacity and grammar teaching of the first language. In this direction, our didactic path of use, meaning and form, focuses the language activity of the genres with the reasoning that is done through the texts (such as language actions) and the discursive types (such as psychoverbal operations), to introduce metalinguistic reflection.Downloads
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