Women Sociopolitical and Historical Contexts in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire from the Kohlberg´S Moral Dilemmas





Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire, American Dramaturgia, Lawrence Kohlberg, Moral Dilemmas


The Developmental Stages and Moral Dilemmas proposed by Lawrence Kohlberg are used as an instrument of dramaturgical analysis to identify the social, political, and historical contexts of female figuration in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire. From these stages, an investigation is carried out to reveal the fictional substrata worked by the author relationned to woman in his work, bringing to the fore as it is read and understood in the society of his time. Finally, it is evident that the history of women is predominantly tied to patriarchal values. The moral dilemmas proposed by Kohlberg, therefore, prove to be proficient instruments to dramaturgical analysis and deepening of questions that go beyond the hegemonic reading of the work of the author.


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Author Biography

Luis Marcio Arnaut de Toeldo, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo,

Doutor em Artes pela Escola de Comunicação e Artes - ECA -USP em Teoria e Prática do Teatro, também é especialista em Teatro-Educação, licenciado em Teatro, engenheiro e Mestre em engenharia.

Dramaturgista, tradutor e revisor de Not about Nightingales para a Cia Triptal em 2019 para o espetáculo Inferno – um interlúdio expressionista com direção de André Garolli.

Convidado especial do Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival na cidade de Provicetown, nos Estados Unidos, para apresentar o panorama da obra de Tennessee Williams no Brasil em 2019 e representar o Brasil no Festival.

Autor do livro Tennessee Williams: Algo não dito, 2017, editora Giostri.

Com mais cinco livros publicados, é ator, educador e dramaturgo.



How to Cite

Arnaut de Toeldo, L. M. (2019). Women Sociopolitical and Historical Contexts in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire from the Kohlberg´S Moral Dilemmas. Revista Da Anpoll, 1(50), 70–80. https://doi.org/10.18309/anp.v1i50.1273



Estudos Literários 2019