Prepositions Introducing Infinitival Clauses in Brazilian Portuguese




(Fluctuation of) Preposition, Infinitival Clause, Case, Complementation


This article aims to discuss the traditional analysis of Case marker regarding the so-called grammatical/functional prepositions in the Generative Theory, as well as investigate their semantic and syntactic properties in contexts of infinitival clause, in contrast with contexts of complements expressed by determiner phrases. It has been already demonstrated in previous works (SALLES, 1992; MACHADO, 2013) that the preposition introducing an infinitival clause is more available to fluctuation between the prepositions de ‘of’ and em ‘in’ (and, in some examples, com ‘with’) than the ones which introduce complements expressed by determiner phrases. Thus, this article takes this difference on the grammatical behavior of prepositions in order to reinforce the notion of non-Case markers regarding the prepositions in contexts of infinitival clauses; besides, we extend the analysis to the preposition para ‘to’, which carries a specific meaning in these same contexts.


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Author Biography

Daniel De Brito Machado, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Distrito Federal

Doutor em Linguística pela Universidade de Brasília (2019) e Mestre na mesma área pela mesma universidade (2013). Tem graduação em Letras- Português (2010) também pela Universidade de Brasília. Atua nos seguintes temas: sintaxe das preposições, complementação verbal e nominal, aspectos sintáticos do Português Brasileiro com abordagem na Teoria Gerativa, morfossintaxe de línguas românicas, em especial o francês e o italiano.



How to Cite

De Brito Machado, D. (2020). Prepositions Introducing Infinitival Clauses in Brazilian Portuguese. Revista Da Anpoll, 51(1), 96–105.



Estudos Linguísticos (2020)