The Morphophonological Expression of Variable Number Agreement in Brazilian Portuguese: An Account of Preschoolers’ Acquisition and Production




Variation, Acquisition, Number agreement, Psycholinguistics, Linguistic theory


Brazilian children are necessarily exposed to variable number agreement (NARO, 1981; SCHERRE, 1991; SCHERRE; NARO, 1998). This article presents a possible characterization of the representation and production of morphophonological variation of number agreement in Brazilian Portuguese by preschoolers from private and public schools in Rio de Janeiro. Preschoolers’ preference for standard or non-standard varieties is verified by means of an elicited production
task. Results show that public school preschoolers do not present any preference regarding possible varieties of morphophonological number agreement, whereas private school preschoolers prefer the standard form, in which number is redundantly marked in the morphology. It is argued that the processing of variable input in the phonetic/phonological interface results in underspecified representation of morphophonological information in the lexicon (CORRÊA, 2009, 2014). The underspecification of morphophonological features in the lexicon would be subject to frequency factors, as well as use information in the moment of morphophonological encoding in language production (ADGER, 2007; LEVELT, 1999; YANG, 2002).


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Author Biographies

Ana Paula da Silva Passos Jakubów, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Doutoranda em Estudos da Linguagem pela PUC-Rio, vinculada ao Laboratório de Psicolinguística e Aquisição da Linguagem  (LAPAL-PUC-Rio) e bolsista CNPq.

Letícia Maria Sicuro Corrêa, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

Professora associada do Departamento de Letras da PUC-Rio e coordenadora do Laboratório de Psicolinguística e Aquisição da Linguagem (LAPAL - PUC-Rio)



How to Cite

Jakubów, A. P. da S. P., & Corrêa, L. M. S. (2018). The Morphophonological Expression of Variable Number Agreement in Brazilian Portuguese: An Account of Preschoolers’ Acquisition and Production. Revista Da Anpoll, 1(45), 47–67.

