The Relationship Between Root and Syntactic Structure in the Semantics of Word Formation in Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish
Exo-skeletal model, Cognate words, Compositionality and non-compositionality in complex wordsAbstract
work aimed to observe if it is possible complex words receive new abstract concepts, in view of the syntactic studies about the relation between the derivation of words and their meanings. Following the Exo-skeletal theory, proposed by Borer (2005, 2013,2015a and 2015b), we assume that words with a multiple morphological layers can receive new meanings at any morphological level that will be emerge after the first merge between the root and a functional head. In this work, we will show that data from languages of the same family, such as Brazilian Portuguese (PB) and Spanish (Esp), may present different forms of insertion of conceptual content into complex cognate words. With thisstudy we can bring to the theory an advance in the understanding of the interface between syntax and semantics.
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