The role of the notions of internal causation and control in the representation of dynamic monoargumental verbs
Dynamic monoargumental verbs, Control, Internal causation, Causativization, Conceptual semanticsAbstract
This paper discusses the role of the notions of internal causation and control in the lexical-conceptual representation of some subclasses of dynamic monoargumental verbs, such as the verbs of manner of motion (e.g. run, roll), bodily processes (e.g. laugh, sneeze) and emission (e.g. sizzle, whistle). The goals are analyzing how these properties determine the participation of these verbs in causativity processes and defining a way to represent these properties in the conceptual structure of these predicates, under the light of Conceptual Semantics (JACKENDOFF, 1983; 1990; 2002). For this purpose, we examine some issues of Jackendoff (1990)’s proposal for the treatment of manner of motion verbs in English, with the aim of showing that the author’s analysis does not account for these verbs’ grammatical behavior regarding the causativizationprocess. We also discuss some classical analyses of the notions of control, internal causation and actions in lexical semantics, which serve as a basis for the proposal presented in this paper. The hypothesis we defend is that a distinction between the primitive predicates MOVE and ACT, by means of control and internal causation features, is crucial for adequately representing the lexicalconceptual
structure of each subclass of dynamic monoargumental verbs and account for their participation or not in causativization.
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